
Care Focused On

The Many Dimensions Of Your Being

We Facilitate Transformations In WELLNESS

Care Focused On The Many

Dimensions Of Your Being

We Facilitate Transformations In WELLNESS

Our Asian Medicine and Wellness Services


Medical Bodywork

Qi Gong

Qi Gong

Meet Your Licensed Acupuncturist

Dr. Stephen Semptimphelter DACM

Dr. Stephen Semptimphelter DACM

Dr. Stephen Semptimphelter DACM

Stephen is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the State of Colorado. He achieved degrees from Pacific College of Health and Science, and a Bachelors of Arts in Religious Studies from Loyola University of Chicago.

Acupuncture and Wellness Information

From the Blog

  • Orthopedic Acupuncture

What is Orthopedic Acupuncture and How is it Different?

If you're living with chronic pain or working in healthcare, you’ve likely come across a

What Age is Appropriate for an Acupuncture Treatment?

As an experienced acupuncturist, I often receive numerous queries from my patients about the age limit for acupuncture treatment. People seem to wonder whether acupuncture

  • Ahodges7, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

How Acupuncture May Help You Bounce Back from a Ski Injury

Skiing is an exhilarating experience...until it's not. Injuries sometimes happen, whether it's a sore knee,

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